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Johna Latouf explains the Fishing Activity Viewer built using Cesium. The application uses satellite based Automatic Information System (AIS) data provided by ExactEarth and processed courtesy of MEOPAR. State of the art Machine Learning techniques are developed at the Institute for Big Data Analytics here at Dalhousie University.

Second Place in the International RoboCup 2D Simulation Competition

A team of researchers from the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie have recently won what amounts to Vice-Championship in largest international Artificial Intelligence soccer competition. The big vision of these RoboCup 2D simulation competitions is to learn how to develop, by 2050, a team of robots that will win the FIFA World Cup game against the best team of human soccer players. To get there, in 2020 state-of-the art AI software robots from around the world play soccer games on a computer screen, as in a computer game (see 1 min. video of our final game. In youtube, make sure to turn on the CC for subtitles).

It is the first time a Canadian team has made the finals of RoboCup for many years. In our solution, we have used Machine Learning and other AI techniques to learn elements of the game from Barcelona FC. Besides being world-class AI experts in AI, several team members are avid soccer players themselves. We are currently starting a collaboration with Halifax Wanderers, a professional club in the Canadian Premier Soccer League on exploring our research for their benefit.

See here for press release. Members of the Dalhousie team are available for interviews in both English and French, contact and